Filament Cutter options
You can do the original tip tuning step, or you could possibly skip that whole (time consuming and tricky) process and instead cut off the pesky tip rather than try to tune it.
Toolhead cutter options
I am using a Sherpa mini extruder for my BBox printers and think these designs on Printables might be something I could adapt. They basically go between the Sherpa and whatever it was mounting to.
These designs I found look promising. It's always appreciated when people take the time to share with the community!
Filament cutter by JB3D
This one was shared on the Voron Discord server
Filament cutter by The Printing Shark
This second one is a remix of the first and seems simpler and uses an Xacto blade rather than a box cutter blade. Looks to be a smaller design.
Another option
The most intriguing option at this time (for me) is the Filament Cutter for ERCF from KevinAkaSam. What distinguishes this design from the others is that the cutter is placed against the ERCF rather than being part of the toolhead. This would allow it to be used with most any existing printer/toolhead you already have.
This is undergoing lots of development these past few weeks. It's best to join his discord server and visit the ERCF Filament Cutter post to catch up on latest happenings.
Update: I've decided to go with this cutter and have already built and insalled this onto my ERCF. I'll update this site soon with more info and hopefully pics